At the Cross

Author: Anonymous
Baby Name: Erin Peterson
Birth Date: March 14. 1990
Abortion Date: Aug. 10, 1989

Jesuit paid it all, all to Him I owe!

My baby, Erin Peterson, went to be with the Lord because I didn’t want to know or appreciate what He did at the cross for me. I shunned it and went deeper and deeper into sin until there was so much darkness I couldn’t see my way out. At the time I got pregnant, I had broken up and gotten back together with my boyfriend several times and didn’t recognize the abusive patterns and craziness for what it was. The death on the cross and Jesus rising up from the grave emptied me of that, the healing continues to this day. I regretted causing the death of my baby for so many reasons, but Jesus is the only light and solace I have. He bought people and situations that really ministered to me and brought me a true freedom like I never had before. Every precious thing I had paled in comparison to Him. This is what I keep learning. Nothing on this earth is like Him, even as His presence shines through any situation. He will be glorified and nothing and no one will rob Him of His glory. He was made in the image of His Father and we are truly, genuinely His. When I switched screens to add a Bible verse, it wiped out my whole testimony so Glory to God. I pray this touches who He means to touch. It’s not my words that will, but His. Amen.