Rachel Marie

Author: My First Name
Baby Name: Rachel Marie Herman
Birth Date: June 08, 1978
Abortion Date: November 19, 1978

To my darling daughter. From the time I learned that I was pregnant, I loved you and thought of you as Rachel Marie. I was so young and scared but I was going to love you and raise you. I am so sorry that I allowed another to push me into abortion when I wasn’t really aware of it. I had to choose between you and the life of my mother. I have had great sadness, guilt, regret and anger over my decision. I think of you every day. I taught your siblings to pray for you from a young age. They know about you and how much I love you. I have always wondered if you were able to forgive me. I am so glad that you are in heaven with Jesus. I love you, forever. Mommie