Siblings Needed An Older Brother

Author: Anonymous
Baby Name: Keenan Patrick
Abortion Date: June 1978

My biggest regret was not being brave enough or understanding how important you were to my future. My living son so desperately needed an older brother and my daughter a biggest brother. I think about the whole branch of our family tree that will never be, the grandkids, the great grandkids all that will not exist because we weren’t able to see through the lies and realize we could have you, we could raise you, we could have loved you so easily. I love you and miss you every day and my children feel something missing without ever knowing why. Your father has had a difficult time forgiving himself for not being enough of a man to allow you to live and for being so selfish. I hope someone reads this and sees how much pain abortion brings to everyone involved. I will continue to fight for the unborn in your honor and help post abortive women every way I can. God bless you and see you again my son. Love, Mom