To the one i loved the most

Author: Anonymous
Baby Name: Camilia
Birth Date: 19/11/2018
Abortion Date: 22/03/2018

My baby , my little baby , at the first place i had no idea that you would exist or i had any chance to carry a baby inside …the doctor said to me that the 19 of february 2018 would probably has been the day you came into my uterus and you choosed that as a safe place , but i let you down
at first those painful cramps and feeling dizzy actually i never thought that it could be possible to be pregnant but it happened !
i went to the doctor the 20 march to see why im late and those painy cramps , so after checking it turned out to be that im pregnant and im carrying you and you have been there with me when i cried , i felt weak , i felt hurt , you were there when your dad slapped me for having a piercing , yeah you were there my baby
i aborted you the 22 of march ,at the age of 5 weeks and 19 years mom , i died of pain , but i loved you
you know ? i could see your face and your little tiny hands you were so cute but you left a big big pain , i loved you and im the only one who loved you baby , im sorry i will never forget you never
5 weeks old baby will be my eternal love

With Love , Your Mom