February 13 2013

Author: Bianca
Baby Name: Lorenzana
Birth Date: August 14 2013
Abortion Date: 2-13-13

Its been two yrs and i cant forgive my self..i have gone to church to ask God for forgiveness but still i miss u inside me,i wish I knew what pain was brought on with this,iwish i could have just ranout like my heart was telling me to do.i wish u were here to celebrate this life…..i know u are so much safer,ur big brother and sister would have loved u. I wish I could have stopped or yelled..am sorry my bby i ask God to sit u on HIS lap and show u ur family….
Tia Beatrice is there with u along with alot more family,kisses mi amor (my love) i cant wait to hold u…wish i knew ur gender to name u….so until then i love u and every February 13th i will miss u more then the days before….i have ur sonograms so i see u just wanna touch u.
My Valentine’s will be replaced by loveing u and showing u ur my world am sorry my child PLZ FORGIVE ME …….love ur mommy
I know u wanba know why,and my answer is because i couldn’t bring another child into this world with nojob,no income how.would i have done it.??am sorry again.