Please forgive me

Author: Anonymous
Baby Name: Victor
Birth Date: 29th of December 2019
Abortion Date: 14th of April 2019

Please forgive me for my decision. Please know that it was never what my heart wanted. The circumstances you were given life were all wrong, but I would have loved you with all my heart and would have raised you the best I could. I am sorry for what I’ve done to you. I am sorry I haven’t asked for a picture of you, I would do anything in this world to have it now! I am sorry I wasn’t good enough with you! I am sorry for bringing you pain even when I knew you were harmless. My heart is broken and I feel absolutely empty were you used to be. I am sorry baby for what I’ve done, but please let know that I love you with all my heart and I will carry you in my heart and soul every single day! Please forgive me! I love you!