Please forgive me

Author: Anonymous
Baby Name: Taylor bowater
Birth Date: January 2015
Abortion Date: August 2014

My beautiful baby Taylor, i didnt know your gender but i had a feeling deep in my gut you were a boy. Its been nearly 6 years since i made the biggest regret of my whole life, if i could turn back the clock i would in a heartbeat. Iv Still got your scan pictures which i look at often and always kiss before putting back away for safe keeping, i so wish you were still here growing inside my tummy. I think about you all the time and wonder what you would look like, if you would be tall like your daddy or if you’d have blue eyes like me. If only id of been stronger and hadnt of cared about what anyone thought, if only id of been a better person you would be here with me now. Your daddy wanted you so much and from the moment he knew you were inside my tummy he loved you, he loved you so much! Me & daddy arent together anymore we split up before i went to the clinic but i still gave you his last name as i didnt think it right to just class you as baby you deserved a proper name. My heart breaks everyday knowing what i did to you and i will never forgive myself for what i did. Sleep tight my precious baby until we meet again xxxxxxxxxxxxx i love and miss you so much xxxxxxxxx