Sweet child of mine

Author: Diane

I want to always remember the child I aborted years ok I was told that the baby was nothing but a piece of coral. That she ( I believe) wasn’t a baby yet. This friend at the time talked me into aborting my child. I had two children already I was raising by myself. I was so worried to have another. Thank God there is so much education out there today. I was blind at the time. I live with the regret always. If not for Gods forgiveness, I don’t know how I could live with the guilt. It changes your life forever. To my sweet child that I’ll never hold. I want to say I’m so sorry I didn’t give you a chance. I hope to see you one day and beg your forgiveness. I’ll never forget you! May God hold you in his arms till I come home. I know your safe with him. I love you sweet child of mine. ❤