Happy Birthday
Author: Sila Baby Name: Miles Arthur Birth Date: December 5, 2015
Yesterday would’ve been your very first birthday. All the regrets and guilt I must bear eternally. I often blamed it on my declining health back then, my heavy medication, my divorce with your father who told me to tell you that he was dead if you would have ever grown up and asked about him. But all in all, baby, it’s all my fault. It’s all my choice and I am so sorry for not being strong enough for you.
I pray for you. God knows I pray so hard for Him to let me at least dream about you. I hope you are happy up there in Heaven and hear me that in this world, your Mum loves you.
You were my little angel heaven had sent me here. I love you, Miles. Everyday.
Happy birthday, darling. I hope the angels sing and dance with you