What is the Abortion Memorial?

This is a safe place for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other family members to remember children who were lost to abortion. Share your story, thoughts, and prayers in words, pictures, or video. Abortion Memorial is a place to honor children lost in the womb, and provides a place for healing and encouragement.

If you are a visitor to the site, take a moment to read through the memorials and stories, and pray for the families impacted by abortion.

To add a memorial for an aborted child, start here.

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Im sorry

To my unborn angel I’m sorry! I was 16 and confused thinking that taking your life will be my answer. As a mother of 3 I look at my girls and the guilt cuts deep. You should have been here with me. You could of been 18. I pray that I can see you again(…)

Miguel, my angel

The day I found out I was pregnant, I was full of different emotions but when your father wanted nothing to do with the pregnancy, I allowed him to lead me. I was 22, afraid of failure and disappointing my parents, my family. The oldest of 5, I was always suppose to be the exemplary(…)

Baby Olive

You were a lot bigger than they told me you’d be. You were so sweet and tiny curled in a little ball. I am so hurt. I love you my Olive.

To my Unborn baby Ali

To my unborn baby my Ali, I may not be able to raise you and give you life but I love you since the day i knew I had you inside my tummy. Sorry Ali if i needed to sacrifice you, sorry for not letting you meet me, sorry my Ali unta masabtan nimo si(…)

Dearest Little one

Dearest Little one, I will love you for the rest of my life. I can’t say, how much I am sorry for letting you go, although my whole brain and even part of the heart knows, its the best solution for you. I’ve never wanted a baby of mine to suffer like I did as(…)

My Precious Angel

I loved you and still love you. I never forgot you, I cry when I think about that day and how hurt I felt knowing that I had to do it because I had to have spine surgery. I regret my decision of having an abortion You would’ve been 30 year’s old next month. There’s(…)

Baby Mihla

I didn’t mean to. I unknowingly developed the deepest connection with you. I had all the time to think about it but I didn’t spend a second doing so. It was when I lost you that I realized I needed you. I love you and I always will. It haunts me everyday that I never(…)

My Precious Baby

I was 15 and forced into an abortion. Your Dad and I wanted you so bad. I live with the pain everyday that I wasn’t able to stand up for you. Now your father is with you and I can’t wait to see your face someday. I love you Emily Kay.

I’m Sorry

I’m so sorry I didn’t try harder. A year ago today, I found out I was pregnant. Today, I’d give anything to have had that baby. I was in my mid 20s. Should have been plenty old enough. But I had no money, no ambition, and even at my age was too afraid of what(…)

My Sweet Baby

My Sweet Baby

My sweet baby. I love you and I miss you. There is not a day that goes by when I am not thinking about you. You would be 13 years old The most regrettable decision/mistake I ever made was walking into that clinic rushed and wrong. I never was able to get an ultrasound or(…)

To my biggest God’s Gift tha...

God blessed me with the most beautiful gift , YOU. He created everything in his diving, sacred timing, i was shocked and scared. Suffered deep tocophobia and fear that You’ll be too much for me to handle. There are no excuses. You died… and i feel like i died together with You. There’s no single(…)

To My Precious Little Baby

I wish we were in a position to have you. It has been two weeks since your dad and I found out about you. It was a decision made in haste. When we found out I was 3 months postpartum with your sister. There was also other health concerns factored into our decision and I(…)

Kai Juniper

Kai Juniper

My sweet baby. I’m so sorry for what I did. I felt like I had no choice, your father didnt want you and i argued that he wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of you because i would have. Your brother and sister miss you and love you so. I’m sorry I didn’t hold(…)

My darling Pomegranate

Even though I only knew you were growing inside me for 2 weeks, I felt such a strange and special comfort with every kick and somersault you did at 17 weeks and growing even though I was scared when I found out I was pregnant. It is funny because for 15 weeks you existed inside(…)

Baby Riley W.

Riley, you are not forgotten and you are loved. You remain in my heart. I love you!

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