My precious boy
Author: Anonymous Baby Name: Joseph Charles Mong Birth Date: October 2012 Abortion Date: February 2012
Joseph Charles, I’m so very sorry! You are the baby I wanted since I was 16 with the man I have loved that long, but when we finally made you, he was married and I was divorced with three kids suffering from that, my mom had just died and I was a mess. I made the worst decision I’ve ever made when I aborted you. You would be four and a half now! My mom has you with her in Heaven, she named you too. Joseph was her favorite name but she never had a boy. Right after I aborted you, I went to my parents house, no one was there but me, and sat in her chair, I cried out to her and she told me she has you in her arms and she named you Joseph! I added the Charles after your dad, we would have called you “JayCee”! I miss you every day and imagine what you would look like and what you would be doing!