My beautiful Angel baby, how I wish I’d been stronger.

Author: Anonymous
Baby Name: James or Poppy
Birth Date: January 2023
Abortion Date: May 2022

My beautiful Angel baby, gosh how I wish I’d gotten to see those chubby cheeks, your cute little feet.

I was weak and did not stand up for you and for that I’m so sorry, I sent you back before you were even fully formed, but my gosh I’ll never ever forget how much I loved you, all the hopes I had for us, a love like I’ve never felt before.

When I knew you were in my belly I promised to protect you and love you forever and I so wish I’d been stronger when your daddy decided he wasn’t ready and we made the decision we did. You were only two weeks and in that I took some comfort but to me you were my baby; my everything. You were about to be my world.

Due the 3rd of Jan, you’d be 6 weeks old now and perfectly perfect I’m sure.

I’ll carry you with me forever, my little dove on my chest. Ill cherish you for a lifetime and secretly celebrate your birthday. I’ll honour you in my garden, planting a tree, where I’ll be able to sit with you. Our secret place.

I’m sure in the future I’ll have your brothers and sisters with me but you precious one will always be the first to me. I love’d you when you were in my belly and i love you now. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I wish I’d been stronger to keep you. I love you little baby and I’m so so sorry, forever you’ll stay with me and I’ll pray and pray to one day love another as much as I do you. Rest well little one, for that period you were my hope and my happiness. All my love, forever and always, mamma.