Dearest Little one

Author: My First Name
Abortion Date: 11.9.2024

Dearest Little one,
I will love you for the rest of my life. I can’t say, how much I am sorry for letting you go, although my whole brain and even part of the heart knows, its the best solution for you. I’ve never wanted a baby of mine to suffer like I did as a child. So please, please understand this and forgive me. There above there will be your grand grandma, who will take care of you, I promise you. She is the only one, who gave me a nice childhood. Hope we will meet soon. You are so much loved. Trust me, that by doing this I am hurting far more to myself than you can even imagine.
I will never stop being sorry and angry for pills, that had to but didnt work out and we had to put you through this decision.
We will be forever sorry and never forget. I promise you this.
By your mom and dad. Love you by my whole heart
I am sorry more than you can even imagine. Only thing I hope for is that we will meet one day and finally be happy family together.