What is the Abortion Memorial?

This is a safe place for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other family members to remember children who were lost to abortion. Share your story, thoughts, and prayers in words, pictures, or video. Abortion Memorial is a place to honor children lost in the womb, and provides a place for healing and encouragement.

If you are a visitor to the site, take a moment to read through the memorials and stories, and pray for the families impacted by abortion.

To add a memorial for an aborted child, start here.

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I’m so sorry

I am so sorry. I can never forgive myself. I miss you both so much, you gave my life a new meaning and I have been a better person since I learned about you. I feel like I had no other option, especially when I learned there were two of you. I couldn’t believe god(…)

In Jesus’s arms

To my darling child, Today marks 1 year and one day since you left this world. I imagine that you are a beautiful little girl whom I would have named Lucy Joy. I have thought about writing this for a few weeks now and finally feel ready to do this. I miss you so, so(…)

I’m sorry baby

My sweet Hayden, I’m sorry that Daddy and I didn’t get to know you. We were both so scared and too young. Hopefully your daddy and I can make you proud. I’m thankful that you will never experience the pain and suffering of this world and I cannot wait to meet you one day in(…)

Our Sleeping Angel!

To our sleeping angel, I’m so sorry! We had to make this decision, it was the only option. And it was the right decision, but it’s one that I’ll regret for the rest of my life! We both love you, wish we could have found a way. Wonder what type of person you’d turn into.(…)

my beautiful babies

My beautiful babies I will never know you now It really wasn’t meant to be It’s too unfair, somehow. Touched with grand love Although for a small time that feeling stays forever and forever you are mine. but hiding the grief and fighting back the tears will be part of me now for the rest(…)

My babies in Heaven

To my babies, I am so sorry. I am sorry I couldn’t look past the selfishness, fear, and doubt that I felt in the moment I found out about you. There will never be a reason I can give that would justify you not being here with me and having a chance at life. The(…)

I am so sorry I never met you

I don’t know if you are are boy or girl. I grew up in the 1980’s and was misinformed about what and who you were. I was young and very ignorant. I still to this day have no children. I had many abortions…I hate myself. It ruined my life …it changed me forever not knowing(…)

Our developing child

A decade on and the thoughts and regret are still here. I was for a while so selfish and ignorant and for that i am so sorry. At a different time I would have made a different better decision but that doesn’t help any one of us, not Me, Mummy or baby. It’s too late(…)

Our angel

To my baby, I’m sorry that I didn’t keep you I’m sorry that I wasn’t strong enough to keep you I was scared and me and your father knew we couldn’t raise you in the life we have, we wanted the best life for you and just knew this wasn’t the life we wanted for(…)

I’m so sorry

I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep you. I loved you, from the second I knew you were there, I felt it. And I loved you. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be your mother. I’m sorry I’ll nevwr meet you, hear you laugh or watch you grow. It wasn’t the time. I’m not right, I wouldn’t(…)

I love you always

Today is the one year from the day I decided to have the procedure. Not a day goes by that I don’t hate myself for it. I am so sorry my sweet girl. I love you with every beat of my heart, and I am so sorry I was a coward. You’re my angel, now(…)

My innocent child

Sweet innocent child of mine that I have never met. Parents are suppose to protect their children and I didn’t. The regret lives with me daily. For 15yrs I have cried for you and longed to go back to that day and make a different decision. I am sorry baby, I am so sorry

Camryn Grace

Hi sweet girl. I hope you know how loved you are. We will always miss you. I am so sorry that I never got the chance to meet you.

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