Asking forgiveness
Author: Thuy Birth Date: November 1997 Abortion Date: February 1997
Mommy has confessed the sin more than twice this year; two times more in confessions with priests but today I have tearfully asked for you to forgive your no good mother who has carried on all these years not considering asking for it.
It didnt occur to me to ask forgiveness until your aunt came by to talk to me. She knows that we have been trying to conceive since your sister passed away earlier this year from unknown causes. Mommy misses her so much just as she misses you now.
Mommy wants to ask forgiveness for doing what I did 18 years ago. Mommy was young and dumb. Not mature enough to know what happened but only thinking of grandparents and the shame I would bring them. I did not think about you my precious child. Please forgive me. I cannot wait to see you later. Please pray for mommy; may I have the strength to follow the path of right. Be good to people and love them regardless. I know it is hard but mom has been doing that and trying not to listen to the Devil. Must try to follow what God and Jesus has taught us; to love one another.
Please help mommy in her daily struggle con. Please look out for our family here on Earth so that we may be good Christians and not follow the Devil and his evil thoughts or doings. Please love me con because mommy loves you.