My beautiful Katie

Author: Shannon
Baby Name: Katie Renee
Birth Date: Feb 5 2015
Abortion Date: June 22 2013

What a shock it was to learn of you. We were not expecting to hear that I was pregnant when I went to the doctors for a check-up. I was so overwhelmed. I was so afraid to tell your daddy, because I knew what he would say. There are so many reasons why I made the choice, but I can say that they were all wrong and just excuses. I was scared and let the fear take over. I let the fear of the unknown take me to places that I never thought I would go.
That day will be forever burned in my mind as the worst day of my life. I have never wished that the hands of time could go back, like I do now.
I have gone for counseling and have worked through the process of allowing the healing power of Jesus flow in me. I know I am forgive and one day we will meet face to face. For now I know you are safe in the arms of Jesus.
I feel in my heart that you would have been a girl. I named you Katie Renee. Katie means “Pure” and Renee means “Reborn”. I think that is perfect for you. You have two older sisters and a Daddy. You must know that daddy regrets the choice too. I wish you were here to enjoy our family.
I can’t change anything but I can pray that the Lord will use me to witness to others about the damage that this does. A life lost, deep deep pain and memories that can scar to the core of your being.
I love you Katie, and I can’t wait for the day of our great reunion.
Love Mommy