My first niece or nephew
Author: Terri Birth Date: September 1979 Abortion Date: March 1979
People think this is a woman’s choice that only affects her but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I became an aunt for the first time when my oldest sister had my niece when I was 12 years old and I was on top of the world. A few short years later she was trying to convince me to turn against my religious upbringing as she had and she said well what if our middle sister would have died? If she couldn’t have had an abortion at a clinic here she would have crossed over the border to Mexico and had a dirty abortion. She told me how it was before my niece was born that our middle sister was drinking and on drugs and afraid of what our parents would have done. It broke my heart. I think about my first unborn niece or nephew every day and sometimes I still cry for him or her. Even at that as a young teenager I wished she would have let me have that baby, I would have loved it no matter if anything was wrong physically. I was never able to have my own children and I will always miss this innocent child! My parents would have been so devastated too, sure they would have been upset but they would have helped her ion every way they could have. Will meet you in heaven some day sweet niece or nephew.
Oct 18, 2016 @ 17:54:48
I had the same experience. I too wish to meet my niece or nephew. My heart will always ache over his or her loss. He was not just their son but my darling too.