Go to sleep baby you will awaken in heaven momma promises

Author: Corina
Baby Name: Forrest/Chasity Liang
Birth Date: October 20, 2017
Abortion Date: February 2017

They say that everything happens for a reason but sometimes it’s because of the choices we made. I am a person completely against abortion. The thing is when I found out I was pregnant I lied to baby’s father I wasn’t pregnant. I made up an entire scenario that I had a miscarriage because I knew he couldn’t be there for me through the pregnancy process. He wasn’t ready to be a father. He supported the whole thought of abortion right away. I would never allow my child to have a father like this. I had the option to give the baby a safe home, a father (friend of mine) but I chose not to. It wasn’t my friends responsibility it was me and my then partner. Until this day, I am going to live with this regret. If you’re listening baby momma always wanted you. If you can be patient with me you can come again. When I am ready. I love you baby.