God knows her by name

Author: My First Name
Baby Name: Samantha "Sam for Short"
Birth Date: April 1982
Abortion Date: July 1981

You have a name and your name is Sam short for Samantha meaning “God has heard,” “name of God,” or “blossom.”
Even though I never saw you or ever held you in my arms, I love you. I never heard your heart beat or ever looked into your beautiful eyes, but I love you. I never saw your button nose or touched your tiny little fingers or toes, but I love you. I never heard your first cry or first words spoken “Momma”, but I love you. I never got to see you take your “first steps” or kiss your cheeks or wave “goodbye” as you started the “first day of school”, but I love you. I never saw you graduate from high school or college as you begin your life on your own, but I love you. I never got to see you do marvelous things, as I know you would, but I love you. I never got to meet the man of your dreams and watch you walk down the aisle, but I love you. I never got to see you become a Mother and have children of your own, but I love you. I never got to be a JuJu to my grandkids or call them by name, but I love you.

You see, we both missed out on so many ‘first’ and ‘last’ here on this earth. I am so very sorry I took those from us. But one thing I know for sure, you have never missed out on “I Love You’s” from our Heavenly Father, the ‘One’ who made you perfect in every way and has loved and cared for you since that day.

I will always love you my dear sweet Samantha and I will never forget you, but for now I will be your voice on earth and call you by name until that glorious day we are forever united with the ‘One’ who knows us both by name.
Love Momma