Hannah’s Mom
Author: Laura Baby Name: Hannah Birth Date: 2004 Abortion Date: May 2004
I had my abortion 11 years ago. I can remember the day as if it were yesterday. How I wish I could turn back time? Go back to those precious moments when I was going to be your mom. I would run out that building and never look back. I thought this was, ” the right thing to do,” I thought I was, ” making life easier.” Oh the lies we tell ourselves! The truth is, you leaving made my life so dull, so full of pain, and nothing got easier. Nightmares haunted me, I dulled the pain the best way I knew how. I remember laying my head down on my pillow that night thinking, “I just HAD to make this right,” so 4 months later I concieved my oldest Son. I couldn’t bare the loss of you. I love my son more than anything, but he didnt fill your hole. Deeper I sank into depression, and the world lost.its vibrance. I needed help and I got it! (SaveOne.org)
Now I live to honor you. I look at my sons and I can picture exactly what you look like. As the years go by and I realize you would be 11, and becoming a woman….it is hard. Oh Hannah, how I wish you were here! Even now, the tears begin to flow. I love you so very very much, Im so very sorry. I will never be silent, no one should ever have to live through this pain. I will talk about you and no one will stop me. You are not a subject of pain or guilt, you are the reason I live the way I do. I cannot wait to meet you!
Apr 07, 2015 @ 13:47:09
I feel like you sometimes especially today!!! Huggs!! Its definitely hard but we can get through this!!