I hope you can forgive me

Author: Daisy
Baby Name: Precious Angel
Birth Date: 22/05/2014
Abortion Date: 09/10/2013

To my precious angel, my only hope is that one day you can forgive me for my terrible choice. I am truly deeply sorry from the bottom of my heavy heart.

I think about you every day & i wish i could get to hold you in my arms one day.

i will never forget the moment when i met you for the 1st time & i saw your perfectly formed hands & your perfect body. It was the worst moment of my entire life & every day i regret my decision.

I love you so much & i will never forget you.

please dont give up on me & please come back to me.

i hope wherever you are you are resting on the clouds & happy in peace, i lay you to rest under the shelter of a big oak tree overlooking the lake.

lots of love today & forever with all of my being.