i chose your father over you…only by the grace of God have i been forgiven
Author: Pamela Birth Date: june 1997 Abortion Date: november 1996
I’m sorry for killing you. My whole life I wanted nothing more than to be a mom. I was born and raised in church and accepted Jesus as my Savior. After high school, I turned away from God lived with my boyfriend for 8 years, got married, joined the Army, got divorced, started drinking heavily, began dating your father, Seann. I was so co-dependent on your dad that when I told him I was pregnant, he insisted I get an abortion. He dropped me off at the abortion clinic knowing that I didn’t have a ride home. I went in alone, got the abortion, was taken to the “recovery” room with other women who just killed their babies and immediately burst into tears. One of the workers said about me, “get her out of here!” I finally got a hold of my fellow army buddy who gave me a ride back to the barracks. After the abortion I became suicidal and deeply depressed. I ended up in the mental hospital for a night. I pray that you and your 4 siblings are up in Heaven with God. (I had 3 miscarriages and delivered a 8 lb 12 oz stillborn baby girl) I have no live children. I am so very sorry for killing you.