If only I could go back in time
Author: Anonymous Abortion Date: 1990. 1994
If only I could relive the two worst days of my life. I would give anything to have the courage and resilience back then to make better choices. I believed the lies, it was convenient. I pretended it was the best decision for me because I was a scared. I have lived every day knowing I was wrong. Knowing I wasn’t the mother I should’ve been. I regret my two abortions. I have never forgotten. It’s been over 30 years and it hurts. I will never forgive myself for letting you go. I believe in my heart I committed the worst of sins. My last dying breath will be whispers of repentance for my loss. I will carry the memory of your two souls with me. I pray one day we will meet and I can hold you in my arms. I’m. So very sorry