I’ll always remember you

Author: Elise
Baby Name: Kaden
Birth Date: Feb/Mar 2015
Abortion Date: July 2014

Sweet child/children of mine who I’ll never get to watch you grow. When I found out I was pregnant with you my heart sank…I really wanted to bring you into this world but I wasn’t ready for it and you came at quite a surprise. your father more so but he too wasn’t ready for you…was just at the wrong time. A beautiful miracle and one I couldn’t keep which deeply saddens me. I want to honour your existence… I’ll always remember the very short life you had… please forgive me. im going to miss the opportunity I could of had getting to know you…I can only dream of what you may have been like. theres a tree I will plant to remember you by….you’re always in my heart. I love you. xo