I love you my precious one…..

Author: Amanda
Baby Name: Jordan
Birth Date: July 2001
Abortion Date: Nov 2000

I was so young and naive when I learned of your coming. I panicked and reacted out of fear from threats.

I am so sorry my Angel. I would do anything to go back in time and choose life.

I know that our Lord has forgiven me because He said that He would. I pray that you can forgive me as well. I love you more than I could ever try to say and I wished I had fought for you instead of taking the cowards way out.

Lord Jesus, please give my baby a kiss and hold him/her tight. Tell them I miss and love him/her more than I could ever imagine. Please tell him/her that I fight daily in the pro life movement and share my story about you with every one I possibly can. Please tell him/her to pray that I can save as many babies lives and their mothers conscience that I can possibly reach.

I love you sweetheart and I look forward to the day that I can hold you in my arms and tell you that myself. Until then, just know that you are always in my heart and always on my mind.

I love you.
