
Author: My First Name
Baby Name: Mariah
Birth Date: 1991
Abortion Date: 1991

Heart break, Womb ache, No candles on the cake…

I was raped, then made the choice,To remove “The tissue” like “they said” in a sweet voice.

Finger pricked, got in a gown,”The Tissue” found with Ultrasound…. I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t see…

The monitor was turned around…
Still on the table they strapped me down…

Once injected, the nice Nurse left… I cried God help me… Alone upset, no one heard my plea…

Too late, I took the bait, No nice Nurse, no empathy…
Dead stares looking back at me, vaccutainers covered in booties…

I knew then I lost a part of me… Went home, curled up alone with no where to grieve…

28 years in shame I cried…
I kept the secret stuffed inside…
Now knowing that I took a life… With constant thoughts of suicide.

What could I do?
No one knew… What I was going through…

Now pressing through recovery, By Gods’ Grace and Mercy…I give this testimony to you.

The first 6 weeks of 9 months due. An embryo is NOT “tissue” That “they” removed… IT WAS MY BABY!!! AND GOD’S BABY TOO!!!

God knows us before we’re formed… And calls us by name before we’re born.

And for those that can hear let them hear… MARIAH LIVES! and Heaven’s where… He wiped away her every tear.

And with true repentance on 3/3/19… I took communion and felt GODs’ Peace… No longer bound, I’ve been set free…

By Jesus Christ the King of Kings!

And By The Way…

Mariah’s name….

In Hebrew means…

The Lord who teaches me.

By Patricia M DiSaverio 3/12/19