My Baby

Author: Anonymous
Birth Date: Feb 19, 1990
Abortion Date: July 1, 1989

I remember everything about you. I’ve always known you would come into my life…at 18. I’m so sorry I could not be strong enough to make it through the storms of life to allow you to be born. I was so sick and my family was totally disapproving and insistent that I let you go. Your father didn’t want you because we we’re young. I had no one, no job, and no idea how to proceed with providing for you. I could never give you up for adoption, so I followed my mother’s insistence that I have a termination. I prayed for God to understand and forgive me and for you to forgive me also. That one day we could be together. The day you were taken from me, my day turned to forever night… my world changed. The void is deep and dark. I’ve prayed, I’ve created a life, hoping to fill the void…. getting married and having 2 children…. but it made me miss you more. Like we’re the outcasts… against the world. Lord, I prayed for strength, and you didn’t give it….I prayed for guidance, and it never came. But you’ve sent forgiveness and acceptance. The problem is, I could never forgive myself. Funny how I could forgive others. I’ve told everyone about my baby. I try to live my life respectful of his memory. I pray for people to understand the impact of abortion on individuals, the world and the kingdom. Lord, have mercy on us all. And to my son, I pray for you always. I didn’t carry you to term in my body but will carry you in my heart forever.