My baby my heartbeat

Author: Anonymous
Baby Name: Tyler Aaron or Sarah Elizabeth
Birth Date: March 1990
Abortion Date: August 1989

17…..I was 17. You were conceived out of love. You were conceived with the first person I ever truly loved. We had planned a future together, we were engaged to be married and although you were unplanned, you were loved. I was a junior in high school and still living at home. I remember being terrified to tell my mother about you. Your dad told her on her birthday. I let her quilt and disappointment in me influence my decision. I remember the day I went to the clinic. I remember the people standing outside protesting what I was there to do. They make you have A counseling class the day it happens, telling you that you have the final say, that no one can make the decision for you. I didn’t believe that I had an option. I was still in school and still lived at home and I knew that my mom wouldn’t let it be. Appearances, why does it have to be about what people think. There were options, adoption was an option, keeping you and getting married (the original plan) was an option. Why did I not have the courage and strength to fight for you? Why did I let someone else make the decision for me?
I think about you all the time. Here I am many years later and you are still my heartbeat.
I didn’t marry your dad. I couldn’t continue to face him after what I had done to you. He knows and forgave me even though I didn’t ever think he should have.
I did eventually get married and you have a half brother. He’s my only biological child.
The devastation of what I did has led me to adoption as well. My current husband is adopted and has adopted children and we are looking to adopt more. My love for you, the forgiveness of My Heavenly Father, and forgiveness from others will help me to leave a legacy in your honor.
I love you my baby. I hope you forgive me.