My Guardian Angel
Author: Anonymous Baby Name: Bentley Ryan Birth Date: July 2016 Abortion Date: February 2016
My dear son, words can’t begin to express how sorry I am. I thought this was the “best” option at the time with not being financially stable or having my own place to live. Your daddy couldn’t take care of us like a real father could. I wish I had thought this out more instead of just thinking in fear. Losing you is the biggest regret of my life. I can only pray that your happy in Heaven and that you don’t hate me. I love you and I will never forget you.
May 09, 2017 @ 08:31:53
Thank you for sharing your story! I, too, have suffered an abortion. I learned about a class a few years ago called Surrendering the Secret! It’s an 8 week healing journey they your abortion experience. It’s super confidential and amazing! You should look into it or message me about it. I am now a leader over the class and can do it via skype/FaceTime/etc. Praying for you!