My Mason/Shelby (age 10)
Author: Anonymous Abortion Date: 20th July 2012
Here we are again, another year gone, another year your not here,another i miss someone i never had, a loss, a mistake that affects my everyday life. 10 years old you would have been this year! Would have been naughty i know it! Keeping me on my toes, taking you to the park, spinning you on the roundabout, listening to your laugh. All things i missed out on, if i could do anything id bring you back to me my boy or girl, my Mason or Shelby, introduce you your step mum and we play in our garden together…memories of what happened always come back on this day, they are always with me but worse on this day, the day i let you go…but i know ill see you again, holding you close, never letting you go again, but till that day, in my heart and mind is where ill keep you so till that day, love you always..Dad x