My Precious Angel
Author: My First Name Birth Date: 9/21/94 Abortion Date: 1/26/94
I loved you and still love you. I never forgot you, I cry when I think about that day and how hurt I felt knowing that I had to do it because I had to have spine surgery. I regret my decision of having an abortion You would’ve been 30 year’s old next month. There’s not a day that I don’t think about you! I wonder how you would’ve looked like and what you would’ve become. I had asked for the sonogram picture, but they said they could not give it to me. I love you and always will! Hopefully, I’ll see you in Heaven!
Aug 26, 2024 @ 23:06:44
Thank you so much for having this website because it’s something between my baby and me. It will help me through the grief. It’s hard especially after an abortion you can’t go back undue something like that. I would hear girls talking about having an abortion is their birth control. I was so upset because they were so ignorant. I cried throughout my waiting in the waiting area before the procedure. I still could hear the vacuum sound. One of my twin girls was born with Trisomy 21 & a doctor would remind me that i have 6 months to have an abortion and i said no. I was determined to keep her, i felt like it was a test from God. I know that God knows I didn’t want to do it, and he blessed me with two boys and twin girls. My daughters will be 14 in October. I’m so I stood by my decision because she is a blessing all my children are.