NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF! We were told “it” was just tissue back then!!

Author: Anonymous

My ONLY child I’d ever have (I’m 57 & have no children) would be in his or her 20’s now (2021). Back then there were no EARLY sonogram. We honestly believed what we were told, it was tissue at the beginning. I gave myself til the 6th wk to have my abortion or not. The father, my ex-husband (we had been divorced for yrs), didn’t believe me & I was disabled, alone & had no one to turn to. I didn’t think I had any other choice. That was in the 1990’s & I’ve suffered ever since. I can forgive myself everything BUT THIS! It haunts me to my core, daily, for almost 30 yrs., & especially after giving my heart to the Lord & realizing how precious EVERY child is! To know I chose to kill the only child I’d ever be able to have is beyond horrific & I can only pray I can meet her (I believe it was a girl) in Heaven & apologize for being so dumb! Now I care for 2 elderly parents who BOTH have different dementias & realize I’ll never have a child to help me in my old age. This industry must be stopped! Millions of the most innocent in our country whom we are supposed to protect, all dead now! It hurts the mother forever!! Now I could be a grandma. But I’ll never know that joy either. It is almost impossible to live with anymore!