Our Tribute
Author: Patricia Baby Name: Baby Parr Birth Date: October 6, 1979 Abortion Date: March 2, 1979
Your father and I have spoken about you and our deep regret and sorrow over not having given you life. It was March 2, 1979 and we only spoke about you and cried together three years ago. You would be 36 yrs of age. I believe you are with Jesus and that you have forgiven us. I wrote this poem in 2001 in honor of you. I called it Baby Love
Don’t cry for me,
I’m here with Jesus, safe in His love.
Just wait “’til you get here
and see what’s above.
The sparkle of diamonds,
the glitter of gold;
the face of my Jesus
I daily behold.
I’m never sad,
I never cry.
I never ask my Jesus, “Why?”
Thank you for forgiving us, Baby. Written by Mom 2001 I had many years of depression and buried shame and sorrow. I still grieve. I placed a brass plaque in your honor on the wall in the National Memorial for the Unborn in Chattanooga, TN in 2002