precious angel stiffler-arlett 2
Author: Danielle Baby Name: diego Birth Date: 02/03/03 Abortion Date: 08/06/02
Pregnant again I was sooo happy, yet to be told by the ‘man’ I thought loved me. I was homeless, didnt know resources available, threatened by man to abort or he’ll leave. No friends or family.
I was told to not speak about my issues cuz he doesnt care or want to hear it! I felt like nothing, I was alone. I was empty-i thought no one cared about me. I wanted this beautiful gift soo badly planned parenthood didnt help in resources to help a young girl make a safe decision or help an emotionally,physically abused girl.
I almost jumped off bridge because of, this man and my choices. I was empty but full of guilt n shame 🙁 depresses, low self esteem-why does this ‘man’ who claims to love me ask me to destroy my gift, my body,mind and heart? Am I not deserving of a loving man, to have a baby. Am I nothing! Told to shut up bout my feelings. No where to turn. Crying/screaming out n no one hears me. I walked this path of greif, sorrow, confusion, pain…..a deep spiritual wound… I think about what you look like, how old. Devastated-each morning woke up and then-flashbacks haunted me n still do!
Please forgive me lil one u were a gift I wasnt strong enough to stand for self/you.
Dr. Melody Foster Robbins
Jan 11, 2014 @ 11:56:42
I am a Christian Counselor and can help you in many ways FREE. please email me immediately.
Jan 27, 2014 @ 15:23:54
I want you to know I am praying for you during this difficult time. May God provide you comfort. You are special to God no matter the choices you make, and He is willing to forgive anything and everything at your request. He made you in His image and He loves you more than you know. God bless you!