The one i will never let go of in my heart so sorry precious angel
Author: Anonymous Abortion Date: 1975
my heart will always be broken for what i did i have asked for forgiveness from God over and over ,,,they say u have to forgive yourself but i will always not like myself for this decision ….i keep asking myself how did i ever do something so cruel. all the tears in the world will never stop the regret such an emptiness always …yes i was young but over the years i stopped using that as an excuse too….i am now a born again christian and Jesus sustains me daily …..My Angel …u would have been 40 years old this year…..
Aug 02, 2015 @ 06:02:37
Hello, I saw your letter and wanted to thank you for sharing. I to decided to have an abortion at 17 I was pregnant with my second child. It was awful and there is a part of you on earth that is missing but I pray that you may feel and come to know God’s love forgiveness grace and mercy and that it will not only fill that hole/void you feel but over flow it in Jesus name amen. I just wanted you to know you are loved with an everlasting love and He has drawn you with loving kindness. Jeremiah 31:3 You can recieve forgiveness and it is ok to forgive yourself it in important. There are ones in this life who need only you and if we stay stuck we cannot have a future. Thank you so much for sharing and I hope this finds you doing well sweet Sister. Love Always, Kendra