To my baby boy
Author: Anonymous Baby Name: Sean Birth Date: October 2015
I made the absolute worse decision EVER. I am not sure how to cope. The depression I feel is very real. At this point in my life I have no one to truly confide in. Seeing the ultrasound and my baby made everything so real and at that point I wanted to run out. I didn’t , mainly because I wasn’t ready and had no support from my boyfriend. To this day he doesn’t realize his actions forced me to the decision. I don’t know how long this pain will last but I miss my baby. Im not sure what I was having but my heart is saying it was a baby boy and that’s what I will go with.
I miss him everyday and I will always remember the feeling of being pregnant and how excited I was.
Mar 25, 2015 @ 00:38:13
I am so sorry for your loss. Some decisions can’t be reversed, but God always forgives those who ask.. I carried my pain for such a long time and today I am in a recovery program. It’s helping because I hear the stories of others who are suffering with hidden grief. Society doesn’t allow women to grieve because supposedly we made a “choice”. However, each person has a unique set of circumstances and only that person truly knows how the decision came about. Many grieve silently for years. Please forgive yourself and walk in the light of God’s love for you. He can use your experience to help some other young girl not to make the sad choice which costs the innocent life of the child inside her womb. Help another child be safe inside their Mother’s womb. That can be your legacy to your little boy. Please read Numbers 6:24-26, and know that God will bless you as you let Him guide you on the journey of life.