To my unborn baby

Author: Anonymous
Baby Name: Hlelolwenkosi ( meaning Gods plan)
Abortion Date: 20 July

Its been a year and it feels like yesterday. I’m so sorry i took your precious life away. And the fact that i lied to your father about it eats me alive.

I want you to know I’m very sorry and I think about you every day. I recall my first scan.. 3months pregnant, i recall how your dad and i were so happy. I recall telling him i hope you take his eyes and smile but because of my selfish decision I’ll never know.

I promise it wasn’t what I wanted.i fought for you but it wasn’t hard enough. Facts that were brought before me just made me see i wouldn’t be able to give you the life your deserve.
But now i regret my decision deeply. There were other options but I didn’t even consider them. I’m so sorry i cut your life short.

I dreamt about you last night, you were a boy. A beautiful baby boy. I asked you to come with me and you told me you are happy where you are… My heart sank.

I hope you forgive me as i try to forgive myself. I love you and i can’t wait to meet you.