To my two children in Heaven I never met
Author: Eamon
To my children in Heaven,
Hello my children, it’s Daddy. I’m so sorry for what I have done over 20 years ago to both of you. I hope that the two of you could forgive us for what me and your mom Daisy did to you two. We were young and didn’t really have a sense of what to do. Your grandma on Daisy’s side thought abortion was best in the position we were in. It was such a mind wrecking time, I remember both incidents where your mother came out crying after the procedure, it crushed me. I never knew if either of you were a boy or girl, both of you would have been in your twenties now. I just want you two to know that I think of you often and I love you very much. And I hope one day Jesus will allow me and your mother with the forgiveness I have asked from Him, to be with you two in His Glorious Kingdom. Love always Daddy