unknown child
Author: BettyRae
In the year of 1976, I had an abortion- don’t know if it was a boy or girl. I was about 6 wks along, he said. No caring, or feeling nurse or doctor, just cold and matter of fact. Neither of them looked to happy. The room I sat in waiting was full of women, laughing and having a good time. I was told by one that she had been here before, no big deal. I looked at these laughing, cold women, and said I will never be here again!!!! Dead silence. I chose to call my baby Naomi Elizabeth Anne, you see I have 5 boys, no living girls. I kept my word, I never went back again. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of that precious little baby that I murdered. I know I’ve been forgiven, and I even learned to forgive myself. But, the hole is there, and will be until I’m united with my child in heaven.