I wish I was stronger
Author: Anonymous Baby Name: Aspen Birth Date: March 1996 Abortion Date: August 1995
I lost my virginity at age 15, and I became pregnant. When my mother found out she immediately made an appointment at the clinic for an abortion. She never asked me what I wanted or what I believed in-I wish I had been stronger and advocated for you. I remember being driven to the clinic and begging her not to make me do this.
The procedure was a blur, but life has never been the same. I think of you everyday. I wonder who you would be today. I wonder if you’d look like me or your daddy. In my dreams (and nightmares) you are my little girl-my precious angel.
I hope you can forgive my naivity and my inability to stand up to my parents and give gou a chance at life. I’m so very, very sorry. I love you with every fiber of my being, my precious girl.
I’m so, so, so sorry ……..
Jan 18, 2015 @ 08:25:26
I am so sorry for your loss, and that you were practically forced into that at such a young age… I’m sorry that no one would listen to your say, when you needed it most… I know that your baby girl is safe and loved with God in his kingdom… I am confident that she understands and has forgiven you… It seems like no one really considered your feelings or desires in the matter, and I’m sure that at the time you felt like you had no say at all, as much as you longed for her life, no one would listen… It sounds like you fought as hard as you knew how to at the time, and I honestly believe that… I’m sorry that you had to go through this… I know that God loves you and that he understands everything you are going through and feeling…