What is the Abortion Memorial?

This is a safe place for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other family members to remember children who were lost to abortion. Share your story, thoughts, and prayers in words, pictures, or video. Abortion Memorial is a place to honor children lost in the womb, and provides a place for healing and encouragement.

If you are a visitor to the site, take a moment to read through the memorials and stories, and pray for the families impacted by abortion.

To add a memorial for an aborted child, start here.

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My precious child Katey

To my little child of God in Heaven, not a day goes by that I dont think of you. I am truly sorry for being so selfish, ignorant, unholy, unloving to have made the decision to abort you. The moment I did it, I regretted it. I think of the young adult you would be(…)

My twin babies I still miss

I love and miss you both still so very much and I always will. I hope you know I love you and I’m so sorry. I hope one day to be reunited with you in Heaven!

So sorry

I am so sorry. At the time I was 24 and felt that my life was over. The song by the Specials Too Much Too Young was too familiar. I was surrounded at home by many kids and had seen Too Much Too Young in reality. I knew I didn’t want any of that for(…)

21st Birthday

My dearest oldest baby. Today you would have been 21 years old. 21!!! Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. I think I am the only one who does. That’s okay too. Your Daddy was too young to understand and honestly so was I. He may have forgotten you but I(…)

I was scared to be a shame to my p...

I was 22 years old, already a mother of a 2 year old that had to be raised in a broken home. I was engaged to my now husband when I found out I was expecting. I cried because it wasn’t suppose to happen. I had been taken Plan B on the occasions condoms weren’t(…)


Dearest Izzy, though I will never know you on this earth, our Heavenly Father knew you before you were conceived. After years of burying my heartbreaking decision, God brought me to a place of acknowledgement and healing for the horrible choice that I made. Someday I will meet you and hold you. And ask you(…)

Siblings Needed An Older Brother

My biggest regret was not being brave enough or understanding how important you were to my future. My living son so desperately needed an older brother and my daughter a biggest brother. I think about the whole branch of our family tree that will never be, the grandkids, the great grandkids all that will not(…)

Sweet baby boy

Hello little one. I’m so very sorry for making the choice to end your life before you even had a chance to say hello. You will never know the joy of being loved by your 6 other siblings ( and you would’ve been loved beyond measure!) but know that you are. Your father and I(…)

My Precious Baby

My precious baby, I was 15 years old. I ran away and did everything I could do to protect you. It was not enough. My father forced me to go to the clinic. I ran out and they brought me back in. I even physically fought on the bed for the procedure to save you.(…)


Hey my loves My heart aches daily as I recall my self young self. The first time I didn’t even know what I did but I knew I lost a precious gift but my parent didn’t give me options. The second was horrible experience that I will never ever forget and I hated that I(…)

The baby I never new

I am so sorry my child for not knowing how to handle things the right way at 17. I pray to this day that someone would have stopped me and that some young girl will think twice before doing this. After 17 years old I was pregnant twice, one miscarriage and one was a tubular(…)

Angel babies

To my sweet Summer and Brandon, you are with me in spirit, I enjoy your presence every day. You play with my hair in the sunshine at the beach, we sing together in the car and we take long walks together by the waters edge. I’m sorry for my selfish decision so many years ago(…)

My biggest regret

What I wouldn’t give to go back to that day, that time in my life. So young and so vulnerable, so alone. I think about my baby, who I imagined was a boy, but I do not know. My memories of that day are so horrific, though 38 years ago, I dream of the beautiful(…)

My two angels

My Two Precious Babies, I was just 17, and threatened that my babies father might be hurt, or even worse killed if I continued with the pregnancy. As I was placed on the table before the abortion took place my entire being screamed out “No stop!.” Profusely crying, I was hushed with the reminder that(…)

Precious Sarah

My dearest Sarah. Please forgive me. There is no excuse. I did not know Jesus then. I took away from you a life God destined for you on this earth. I believe you would have been a mighty warrior for Jesus. I know you are in good hands in heaven and are helping God with(…)

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