What is the Abortion Memorial?

This is a safe place for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other family members to remember children who were lost to abortion. Share your story, thoughts, and prayers in words, pictures, or video. Abortion Memorial is a place to honor children lost in the womb, and provides a place for healing and encouragement.

If you are a visitor to the site, take a moment to read through the memorials and stories, and pray for the families impacted by abortion.

To add a memorial for an aborted child, start here.

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My Third Baby

Married with two beautiful girls, and it was three years after my second child was born when we were pregnant again. The pregnancy was unplanned but not unwanted, but the pregnancy came during the craziness of the pandemic. I was unemployed and taking care of my girls at home, my husband was barely working with(…)

The One I couldn’t keep

It seemed like the right thing to do. It seemed like the option was for the best. But what I didn’t know was that the choice would haunt me months later. I wish I gave it more thought. I gave you up but I died with you that day. I didn’t know that I would(…)

If I had been aborted I would not ...

My birth mother was raped and she found out that she was pregnant-she wanted to have an abortion but could find anyone to do this. She tried to commit suicide but God saved her life and mine- I was introduced to my adopted parents at 5 days old. If I had been aborted I would(…)

i am so sorry

I am so sorry that I didn’t give birth to you. I dreamed with you that you were a beautiful girl with curly hair and i tried to save you but didn’t managed to. I am so sorry, and i hope that God will forgive me. I love you my darling and i would do(…)

If only I could change that decisi...

If only I could go back and change that fateful decision. If only I knew we would’ve been ok, and God would take care of us… if only I could have held you in my arms , kissed your precious face, So many times I’ve wanted to tell you how much I love you, grieved(…)

Kai Juniper

Kai Juniper

I found out I was pregnate very early, I carried you for almost 12 weeks. Im so sorry… you deserve so much better.


You were made out of love. We didnt know your gender, but I knew you were a boy. Mommys boy. My beautiful, sweet baby boy Theo. Im so sorry we couldnt keep you. Dont you doubt for a second that mommy and daddy didnt love you. Our angel. We will never forgive ourselves. We will(…)

8 years

Crazy, I was 17, 17, I wanted to be your mummy, was you a boy, or a girl, what would you look like. I live in a regret but peaceful mind. I’ll think of you forever, me and daddy broke up 6 years ago and no longer speak, I wonder if he still wonders. I’m(…)

To my sweet precious baby Santos

To my sweet precious baby Santos

Oh how i miss you dearly i loved you the moment i found out i was pregnant i won’t lie i was so scared because the problems and daddy was having but i wanted you more than anything in the world. Your daddy was scared and afraid as well but with time i know he(…)

Baby D x

Hope you’re good up there baby. We miss you so much 🙁 Daddy really has stuck to his word and got better. We are both trying so hard. We just wish things could have been different when we found out about you, just know one day we’ll see you. We love you so so much(…)

My baby I am sorry

It’s been almost 8 years and the pain, regret and shame I still feel is indescribable. I take some comfort in knowing I have been forgiven and that you my love are in heaven with the lord. Nothing will ever take away the pain of not knowing who you would of been, what you would(…)

Our little seahorse 6-7 weeks unborn baby

Our little seahorse 6-7 weeks unbo...

To our unborn baby you were about 6-7 weeks old shape of a little sea horse, we will always remember you and carry you in our hearts for the rest of our lives. We will hold you in our hearts until we can hold you in heaven.

For Saga

Each breath untaken Each laugh unheard Each smile unseen Each tear undried These moments live in our hearts for eternity Know that while we could not keep you You are always loved and missed, alltid Mamma and Papa

Felt like we had no option

I had an abortion with my husband agreeing on this choice. The economy took a hit this year, and we got hit just as hard. This pregnancy was not planned, but it was still wanted. Our two children ages 5 and 3 became priority, and in the end we decided to let this one go.(…)

My baby

I regretted this cruel decision from day one and I often thought of killing myself to join you! Please forgive this cruel and heartless as well as selfish Mama! No one should be given such a choice to kill for convenience! You now have three other siblings you will meet in Heaven one day! Thank(…)

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